For Students

This is an awesome time, but it’s also scary. You’ll have a lot more freedom—you’ll be a real adult and a college student. You’ll also have a lot more responsibility—your life will be your life. First, you’ve got to get to college, and it can feel like the ACT or SAT are standing in your way. You don’t want to get the short email or the thin envelope. You don’t want to have to say no to your dream school because you can’t afford it. You don’t want to put the hoodie from your dream college in the back of your closet.

Everyone is afraid of the ACT/SAT—even if it doesn’t seem like it—all of your friends are scared of it to one degree or another. Preparing for the ACT/SAT is so different from school that it’s hard to know if you’re doing the right thing. It’s tough to know where to start and where to go. It can feel a little like you’re lost. What you need is help, someone to point the way.

That’s what we are, guides. We focus on finding strategies and techniques that fit you. We work with the way you think, your strengths and weaknesses, your worries and your goals. It’s your journey, and we treat it that way. This isn’t school, we have conversations with you about what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s a dialogue and you’re our partner.

Here’s what we can promise you: we’ll work with your schedule and we won’t add stress to your life, we’ll let you manage the relationship with us, we’ll help you with the content you haven’t learned or forgotten, and we’ll create a custom test day playbook that fits you. Everyone takes the test differently, and so we’ll teach you differently than anyone else. We promise you that you’ll walk into your test feeling confident and prepared.

You’re reaching the point where it really is your life. Your decisions. Your wins. Your losses. Be encouraged; you are the hero of this story. Your path from now to college will be unique. If you want to talk to me, let’s talk. If you feel like you need a guide, we’re here.
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